Sustainable Interior Design: A Model to Promote Sustainable Practices

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The purpose of this research and its academic rationale are to evaluate the effectiveness of a range of methodologies designed to provide future researchers and practitioners in the island of Cyprus, with an entrée into the literature of sustainable interiors and to develop, apply, and evaluate methods to promote the uptake of sustainability in the discipline and practice of interior design.
The literature describes several ways that measure how much design work can affect the environment or how designers can offer more sustainable interiors, all of these involve a number of specific considerations that are rather confusing and thus risk being neglected among the stakeholders. Parallel, as has been defined by the Danish Design Centre in 2003 and explained in Design and Innovation Forum of 2015, interior design in Europe at this stage describes either a non-design phase, where design is an invisible part of product development and the task is not handled by trained designers or is viewed exclusively as a form-giving phase of the production. ¹ So how, sustainability objectives can be promoted in the field of interior design?
The research aims to investigate the extent to which a range of interventions consequent from a proposed model can raise participants’ awareness and understanding of the role of interior design in the delivery of sustainability in the built environment and promote the uptake of sustainability practices in the discipline of interior design and more specifically among two groups of stakeholders, interior designers and their clients on the island of Cyprus. The research questions that were answered in order to achieve the aim of the research are: Q1: To what extent does the proposed model promote sustainable practices among designers and clients? Q2: Which sustainable practices are the more widespread among designers and their clients?
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExperiential Design
Subtitle of host publicationRethinking Relations between People, Objects and Environments
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Publication series

NameArchitecture, Media, Politics, Society
PublisherPublication & Research in Art, Architectures, Design, and Environments
ISSN (Print)2398-9467


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