The antecedents and consequences of Lovemarks: A study of the attitudes and perceptions of football club fans

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The paper discusses the findings that emerged from a quantitative research study carried out among 1,300 Israeli football fans to explore their brand relationships and the 'purchase' decision process towards their football clubs. The findings show that commitment and sport spectator identity have a mediating effect on the relationship between Lovemarks and fans' intentions, favourable word-of-mouth communication and the fans' willingness to pay premium prices for football tickets. Lovemarks have a positive effect on the sport spectators' identity and commitment. Purchase intention, commitment and identity explained 55% of the variance of the football fans' willingness to pay premium prices for football tickets. Lovemarks, image and knowledge are critical drivers for the purchase decision-making process adopted by the fans which, suggests that football clubs have an opportunity to positively influence their fans' attitudes and behaviour through: the use of mass-media advertising, the use of social media marketing and football matches that provide spectators with unique and unforgettable experiences.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)612-633
Number of pages22
JournalGlobal Business and Economics Review
Issue number5-6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018


  • Brand knowledge
  • Commitment
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Consumer decision-making
  • Football clubs
  • Football fans
  • Lovemarks
  • Purchase intention
  • Sport spectator identity


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