The anticoagulant effect of heparinoid Org 10 172 during haemodialysis: An objective assessment

H. Ireland, D. A. Lane, A. Flynn, E. Anastassiades, J. R. Curtis

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The heparinoid of natural origin Org 10 172 has anti-factor Xa activity but minimal anti-thrombin activity, and little effect upon broad spectrum assays such as the KCCT in vitro. Its anticoagulant effects have been compared to those of commercial heparin in 7 patients undergoing haemodialysis for chronic renal failure. Commercial heparin was administered in a dose (5,000 iu bolus + 1,500 iu/hour continuous iv infusion) previously shown to inhibit fibrin formation during haemodialysis. This produced mean anti-factor Xa levels in plasma between 0.7-1.0 iu/ml and largely suppressed fibrin formation for 5 h dialysis measured as mean FPA levels in plasma. Administration of Org 10 172 as a bolus of 1,350 anti-factor Xa u or 2,000-2,400 anti-factor Xa u produced plasma anti-factor Xa levels of less than 0.5 u/ml and allowed fibrin clot and FPA generation during dialysis. Org 10 172 administered as a bolus dose of 4,000-4,800 anti-factor Xa u produced mean anti-factor Xa levels of greater than 0.5 u/ml, allowed dialysis of 6 patients for 5 h and appreciably suppressed FPA generation during dialysis, with little effect on the KCCT. It is concluded that the anti-factor Xa activity of Org 10 172 may reflect its ability to inhibit fibrin during dialysis and that single bolus injection of Org 10 172 may be a useful alternative method of achieving anticoagulation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)271-275
Number of pages5
JournalThrombosis and Haemostasis
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1986


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