The Crime of Fat Shaming

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Fat shaming is one of the most underrated versions of cyber hate. In this paper we will try to explain how cyber fat shaming is not a matter of taste but a crime based on hate towards a group of people; that’s why we have to face any offence drastically and to put the (criminal) blame on anybody supports distinctions against the others. The main argument of fat shaming supporters emerges from statistics related to danger that obese people face during their life as long as to financial data related to public health costs. In a nutshell, it’s not a matter of normalization of obesity; obesity is a disease but, at the same time, weight discrimination is linked to an increased risk of further phycological diseases, such as depression which inter alias increases the risk of suicide. In addition to this, the cost in public health system is something that we have to examine in comparison with other diseases and addictions (e.g., smoking or alcohol). Not to mention that acknowledging that obesity is a disease (see a number of factors as well as comorbidity with lipedema/lymphedema/diabetes/cardiovascular problems etc) but putting the blame on obese seems at least as inconsistency.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLaw and Visual Jurisprudence
    PublisherSpringer Nature
    Number of pages16
    Publication statusPublished - 2024

    Publication series

    NameLaw and Visual Jurisprudence
    ISSN (Print)2662-4532
    ISSN (Electronic)2662-4540


    • Cyber hate
    • Fat shaming
    • Hate crime
    • Hate speech
    • Human dignity
    • Obesity
    • Overweightness
    • Racism
    • Stigma


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