The effect of research on the perceived quality of teaching: a cross-sectional study among university students in Lebanon

Hala Sacre, Marwan Akel, Chadia Haddad, Rony M. Zeenny, Aline Hajj, Pascale Salameh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: The complementarity between research and teaching is still debated, although several higher education institutions require instructors to do research. In the absence of a consensus on this matter and given the lack of related studies in Lebanon, this study aimed to describe students’ perception of research integration into teaching, and to link research and professional skills to quality teaching, using validated scales related to these concepts. Methods: A standardized questionnaire was diffused to university students; it included validated scales: the Student Perception of Research Integration Questionnaire (SPRIQ), the Adapted-Teachers’ quality assessment questionnaire (A-TQAQ), the Student Evaluation of Teaching short form (SET37-QS), and Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Health Research Questionnaire. Results: Research integration was well perceived, and teaching was well evaluated by 445 participants from various disciplines, particularly those of a higher socioeconomic level, majoring in health, and females, as indicated by their mean scores. Research-active instructors had a significantly better-perceived teaching quality (17%; p < 0.001) than their non-active counterparts. This finding was particularly true among postgraduate and higher GPA students. The multivariable analysis showed that the knowledge and attitude towards research were related to students’ better perception of research integration and higher evaluation of teaching. Conclusion: This study showed an overall good perception of research and teaching evaluation among participants from various disciplines, with research-active instructors having a better-perceived teaching quality. These findings could guide decisions on research integration into curricula using multidisciplinary methodologies to strengthen research integration and involve students in research activities.

Original languageEnglish
Article number31
JournalBMC Medical Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Education
  • Quality teaching
  • Research
  • Student
  • Teaching evaluation


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