The effects of differential compaction on clinothem geometries and shelf-edge trajectories

Stefano Patruno, Daan Beelen, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, David M. Hodgson, joão P. Trabucho Alexandre

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The geometry of basin-margin strata documents changes in water depth, slope steepness, and sedimentary facies distributions. Their stacking patterns are widely used to define shelf-edge trajectories, which reflect long-term variations in sediment supply and relative sea-level change. Here, we present a new method to reconstruct the geometries and trajectories of clinoform-bearing basin-margin successions. Our sequential decompaction technique explicitly accounts for downdip lithology variations, which are inherent to basin-margin stratigraphy. Our case studies show that preferential compaction of distal, fine-grained foresets and bottomsets results in a vertical extension of basin-margin strata and a basinward rotation of the original shelf-edge trajectory. We discuss the implications these effects have for sea-level reconstructions and for predicting the timing of sediment transfer to the basin floor.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1011- 1014
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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