The evaluation of personnel leasing as a flexible work model in professional satisfaction among nurses and in the quality of provided nursing care

Apostolos Kolokythas, Maria Noula, Monica Nikitara, Zoe Roupa

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Healthcare represents a critical employment sector, recognized for its dynamism in development and future prospects. Continuous evolution in this field necessitates reforms to achieve economically efficient and higher quality health services. Despite the shortage of nursing staff, there is a growing importance of personnel scheduling as a form of employment within the sector. Despite the potential instability associated with this work arrangement, it offers relief from temporary absences from the workplace. However, concurrently, there arises the possibility of negative impacts on the quality of nursing care, especially concerning coherence and coordination in patient care delivery. Methodology: A literature review was conducted by searching data in scientific databases such as PubMed and SpringerLink, seeking information available up until November 2023.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-149
Number of pages9
JournalReview of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • job satisfaction
  • personnel leasing
  • quality of nursing care
  • temporary agency healthcare workers
  • temporary agency nurses


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