The research agenda for general practice/family medicine and primary health care in europe. part 3. results: Person centred care, comprehensive and holistic approach

Paul Van Royen, Martin Beyer, Patrick Chevallier, Sophia Eilat-Tsanani, Christos Lionis, Lieve Peremans, Davorina Petek, Imre Rurik, Jean Karl Soler, Henri Ejh Stoffers, Pinar Topsever, Mehmet Ungan, Eva Hummers-Pradier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The recently published 'Research Agenda for General Practice/Family Medicine and Primary Health Care in Europe' summarizes the evidence relating to the core competencies and characteristics of the Wonca Europe definition of GP/FM, and its implications for general practitioners/family doctors, researchers and policy makers. The European Journal of General Practice publishes a series of articles based on this document. In a first article, background, objectives, and methodology were discussed. In a second article, the results for the two core competencies 'primary care management' and 'community orientation' were presented. This article reflects on the three core competencies, which deal with person related aspects of GP/FM, i.e. 'person centred care', 'comprehensive approach' and 'holistic approach'. Though there is an important body of opinion papers and (non-systematic) reviews, all person related aspects remain poorly defined and researched. Validated instruments to measure these competencies are lacking. Concerning patient-centredness, most research examined patient and doctor preferences and experiences. Studies on comprehensiveness mostly focus on prevention/care of specific diseases. For all domains, there has been limited research conducted on its implications or outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-119
Number of pages7
JournalEuropean Journal of General Practice
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Comprehensive approach
  • General practice/family medicine
  • Holistic approach
  • Person centred care
  • Research agenda


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