The three dimensions of innovation in local development systems, based on the Stra.Tech.Man approach

Fotios Katimertzopoulos, Charis Vlados

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Innovation, as a concept, comprises a wide range of ideas and approaches. According to Damanpour (2016), innovation is consisted by all the scientific, technical, commercial and financial steps that are required to achieve new or improved processed products through successful development and marketing, the implementation of new or improved processes or equipment, or the introduction of a new approach to social services. Through the adoption of a conceptual research methodology for the review of the bibliography, in this article, innovation is conceived from the point of view of Strategy, Technology and Management within the bounds of a business. Contrary to most scientific studies that perceive innovation in terms of either strategy, technology and management, in this paper the main research question is encompassed on how Strategy, Technology and Management (Stra.Tech.Man) innovation will be incorporated in an organisation by interactively transforming one another. (Vlados, 2017; Vlados & Katimertzopoulos, 2018). Moreover, the strategic, technological and managerial innovation causative elements, and the interactions between them, are examined, putting a special focus on their link with the centralization, specialization, and formalization. In the same way, the firm performance is viewed under the spectrum of the relationship, impact and interaction between the above-mentioned innovative dimensions. By examining the literature, the correlation of Strategic, Technological and Managerial (Stra.Tech.Man) innovation into a practical context has not been adequately researched so far. Taking into account that no other research in an environment with common control variables between enterprises has been performed, this article demonstrates the interconnection and interaction of Technological and Managerial innovation in a firm, and the regional and local dimension of innovation in underdeveloped socioeconomic systems by taking the example of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th International Conference on Applied Economics “INSTITUTIONS & THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY”
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event6th International Conference on Applied Economics “INSTITUTIONS & THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY” - University of Thessaly, Department of Economics, Volos, Greece
Duration: 30 May 20191 Jun 2019


Conference6th International Conference on Applied Economics “INSTITUTIONS & THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY”
Internet address


  • Stra.Tech.Man approach
  • Regional innovation systems
  • local development


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