Towards a new paradigm of “Sustainable Intercultural and inclusive education”: A comparative “blended” approach

Christina Hajisoteriou, Georgios Sorkos

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Modern school education consists of a mosaic of over-pluralism of cultures, languages, ethnicities, abilities and other characteristics. Under these circumstances, educational systems face the challenge of providing high-quality educational services in order to maintain and sustain social justice. In this respect, inclusive and intercultural education can be the catalysts of change. Nevertheless, what is argued in this article is the need to overcome the dipole created between the two pedagogical paradigms which often inhibits rather than reinforces social justice. Therefore, we should not approach the two paradigms through discrete focuses, but we should pave the way for a third perspective through a blended and comparative approach. At the same time, we make the case that sustainability should become the cornerstone of such endeavour, leading to Sustainable Intercultural and Inclusive Education (SIIE) aiming to benefit all students not only of this but of future generations.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)496-512
    Number of pages17
    JournalEducation Inquiry
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2023


    • Blended Approach
    • Diversity
    • Inclusive education
    • Intercultural education
    • Social Justice
    • Sustainability


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