Unveiling the Shadows: An Exploratory Analysis of Perceived Disadvantages in Intimate Relationships

Menelaos Apostolou, Eleni Iniati, Andrea Charalambous, Alexia Zalaf, Antonios Kagialis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Intimate relationships are not characterized only by advantages as they have also a darker side. Accordingly, the current research aimed to identify the disadvantages of being in an intimate relationship in the Greek cultural context. More specifically, Study 1 employed qualitative research methods with a sample of 202 Greek-speaking participants, identifying 94 possible disadvantages. Study 2 employed quantitative research methods with a sample of 525 Greek-speaking participants and classified these disadvantages into 11 broader factors or major disadvantages and three broader domains or primary disadvantages. Participants indicated "Conflicts" as the most important primary disadvantage, followed by the "Emotional burden" and the "Compromises" primary disadvantages. Furthermore, we found that women indicated abusive behaviors, economic dependency, and less freedom factors as more important major disadvantages than men. Additionally, older participants reported making compromises as a more important major disadvantage than younger participants. Moreover, single participants rated several major disadvantages as more important than participants in an intimate relationship. Overall, our study sheds light on the less favorable aspects of intimate relationships and highlights important sex, age, and relationship status differences in perceiving these disadvantages.

Original languageEnglish
JournalEvolutionary Psychological Science
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Disadvantages of intimate relationships
  • Intimate relationships
  • Long-term relationships
  • Mating


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