Validation of the specialized competency framework for pharmacists in hospital settings (SCF–PHS): a cross-sectional study

Nibal Chamoun, Elsy Ramia, Hala Sacre, Mansour Haddad, Chadia Haddad, Aline Hajj, Joya Namnoum, Rony M. Zeenny, Katia Iskandar, Marwan Akel, Pascale Salameh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: This study aimed to validate the content of the specialized competency frameworks for pharmacists working in hospital settings (hospital and clinical pharmacists) and pilot the frameworks for practice assessment. Methods: This online cross-sectional study was carried out between March and October 2022 among a sample of 96 Lebanese pharmacists working in hospital settings. The frameworks were distributed to full-time hospital and clinical pharmacists, who filled them out according to their role in the hospital. Results: Overall, the competencies were distributed over five domains for hospital pharmacists (fundamental skills, safe and rational use of medicines, patient-centered care, professional skills, and preparedness for emergencies), while for clinical pharmacists, competencies were distributed over seven domains (quality improvement, clinical knowledge and skills, soft skills, ability to conduct clinical research, ability to provide effective education, use information technology to make decisions and reduce errors, and emergency preparedness). Moreover, Cronbach alpha values were appropriate, indicating sufficient to high internal consistency. Pharmacists were highly confident in most competencies, with some exceptions related to research in emergency settings (data evaluation, research, and reporting). Conclusions: This study could validate competency frameworks for clinical and hospital pharmacists, with the competencies and their respective behaviors showing an adequate construct analysis. It also identified the domains that require further development, i.e., soft skills and research in emergency settings. Both these domains are timely and needed to overcome the current practice challenges in Lebanon.

Original languageEnglish
Article number86
JournalJournal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Clinical pharmacist
  • Competency framework
  • Hospital pharmacist
  • Specialized competency
  • Tool validation


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