Vicenarian of workplace incivility: a bibliometric analysis and systematic review

Aditi Gupta, Ranjan Chaudhuri, Apoorva Apoorva, Swati Chaudhary, Alkis Thrassou, Georgia Sakka, Balakrishna Grandhi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is twofold: first is to map and analyse prominent contributions, current dynamics, patterns, gaps and research prospects in the field of workplace incivility (WI); second is to provide a coherent theoretical research framework for future research. Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts a two-step analysis approach by combining bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review to explore the research topic of WI, besides, using multiple methodologies including bibliometric, network and content analyses. Findings: This study found that L. M. Cortina and M. S. Hershcovis are the top two most influential authors among all authors in the sample publications. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology is one of the top-ranking journal that often publishes this topic of articles. USA and The Bowling Green State University are the most influential country and institutions, respectively. Besides, burnout and retention are also common keywords were identified based on keywords co-occurrence map, showing that WI has a major impact on burnout and employee retention. Based on the above analysis, this paper constructed a theoretical research framework of WI. Research limitations/implications: This paper only draw data from one database—Scopus—which cannot provide broad coverage of the research topic. WI research trends and trajectories may be assessed to enable academics and practitioners better understand the current and future trends and research directions. Future studies in this field might use the findings as a starting point to highlight the nature of the topic. Originality/value: This study is the first to use an systematic literature review (SLR) to evaluate the association between WI and other organizational behaviour. The study contributions are fourfold, extending the work and overcoming the methodologies of prior research that only focussed on characteristics of incivility in nursing. In addition, this paper presents an in-depth analysis of this topic and provides a comprehensive theoretical research framework for future study.

Original languageEnglish
JournalEuroMed Journal of Business
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Bibliometric analysis
  • Content analysis
  • Deviant behaviour
  • Network analysis
  • Systematic review
  • Workplace incivility


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