Virtual partners for seniors: Analysis of the users' preferences and expectations on personality and appearance

Donato M. Cereghetti, Styliani Kleanthous, Christophoros Christophorou, Christiana Tsiourti, Cindy Wings, Eleni Christodoulou

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This paper investigates the preferences and the expectations of endusers related to the appearance and personality of a Virtual Support Partner (VSP); namely an Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA) that attends to the daily activities of the seniors. The results presented in this paper, reveal that end users are in favor of an emphatic, emotional and friendly companion, preferably represented by a human-like or an animal-like body, that provides to them both social support and abistance through a guiding attitude.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalCEUR Workshop Proceedings
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Caregivers
    • Embodied Conversational Agents
    • End-Users
    • Seniors
    • User-Centred Design
    • Virtual Partners


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